Once upon a time, people were hired for jobs based on the skills they had for doing the job and the desire to learn new tasks via on-the-job training. In the same line, people received career promotions based on their knowledge of the company values, personal productivity, ability to supervise work tasks, flexibility to step when an employee was out, and accountability to reaching company goals.
Then came the idea that college degrees were more important than actual ability when hiring new employees or promoting within the company. After all, they could attend training to learn company values and work processes. For some jobs the subject of the degree was key, for others the type of degree did not matter so much as as having the diploma. Training organzations grew to fill the demand for in-house trainng. At the same time, Human Resource officers were touting "general studies" as a rounded education that would result in a more relevant and modern work force. Followed by training departments being the first department to go if the company had to do lay-offs because products or services were not selling.
As higher education became less educational, the any degree at the Bachelor level and generic MBAs no longer help companies move forward and meet their goals, the age of "certification" and "specialization" came about. In other words, companies were returning to requiring skills necessary for immediate success on the job. Harvard Business Review says "Skills requirements will overtake degree requirements as the'paper ceiling crumbles." in 9 Trends That Will Shape Work in 2024 and Beyond. Finally, managers and Human Resources decide it is time to return to hiring for skills over eduction. This is not a move backwards, but a return to common sense for business success. Forbes agrees "Changes in hiring practices that emphasize selecting candidates with the specific experiences and skills needed for a role, rather than qualities such as educational attainment or age, are a part of the industry's response and will continue to be a strong trend." in their article The 10 Biggest Business Trends For 2024 Everyone Must Be Ready For Now.