From Average Manager to Excellent Leader with 9 Minutes on Monday

Nine Minutes
on Monday
James Robbins’ management book Nine Minutes on Monday (on Amazon #ad) is an excellent tool for managers who wish to become great leaders to their people.  The author suggests 9 needs that most employees have and ways their managers can help meet those needs in order to create a loyal and motivated staff.  For best time management and ease in implementation, he suggests that a manager should start with the 4 primary needs first and after a while begin to trickle in actions towards the 5 secondary needs.  He uses one-word phrases to help the manager model and remember the needs and then explains them in more detail with a chapter per need.  The book title comes from his main tip – use 9 minutes on Monday to plan how, for whom, and when to implement actions that address these employee needs.  Part of the 9-minute process is to ask a question related to each need and then assign a personal action to accomplish.

Words – The 9 Needs – Key Questions:
Primary Needs:

1.       Care – the need to be more than a number
       ·         How will I take a genuine interest in my employees this week?
2.       Mastery – the need for challenge and achievement
       ·         Whom will I give feedback to this week?
3.       Recognition – the need to be appreciated
           ·         Whom will I recognize or reward this week?
4.       Purpose – the need to contribute and be significant
           ·         Whom will I give the second paycheck to this week?
NOTE:  “Second paycheck” is a motivational tool rather than pay and it refers to letting employees know how their job affects others or the organization.  To find purpose, begin by asking:  who do we serve, what job has does our product or service do for others, how do we make a difference?
Secondary Needs:
5.       Autonomy – the need to be in control
       ·         How can I promote a feeling of autonomy in 1 employee this week?
6.       Growth – the need to progress (both career-wise and education/skills)
       ·         How can I help someone grow this week?
7.       Connection – the need to connect with others (a.k.a. teamwork)
       ·         What can I do to make my team stickier this week?
8.       Play – the need to enjoy work
       ·         Where can I inject some fun this week?
9.       Model – the need for a path to follow
       ·         What model do my people need from me this week?
NOTE:  Stickiness refers to the glue that holds a team together.  Glue is based on having a clear team purpose and/or goals, trust and respect for each other, and ownership/accountability for roles.

Per Robbins, “The quintessential skill of leadership is awareness” which the book helps managers achieve.  This may also be why the author shares free resources at to go with his book.  Here managers can find helpful aids and worksheets for implementing his process.  If this is something you want to pursue and the simple tools do not immediately make sense, consider purchasing the book to get the details. 

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