10 Time Management Tips and 2 Tools

Below is a 3-minute PowerPoint presentation with lots of time management tips and tools you may be interested in to help you with planning time this year.  The summary below consolidates those listed into 10 basic tips. Also listed below are links to 2 tools mentioned in second half of video that are still available, the other 2 are no longer on-line.  If interested, you should be able to find sticky-note and reminder options within most email and phone applications anyway, which may be why those 2 links are gone.


1. Focus on and plan tasks
2. Ask for help
3. Maintain balance
4. Do not leave things until the last minute
5. Get in the habit of finishing tasks ASAP
6. Set goals and write them down
7. Reward self
8. Avoid procrastination and minimize distractions
9. Prioritize to do lists
10. Create calendar/planner for scheduling and filtering appointments


1 comment:

interview preparation said...

The focus of time management is actually changing your behaviors, not changing time. A good place to start is by eliminating your personal time-wasters.