Writing Resolutions: Two-Part Text

Often a committee, sub-committee, ad-hoc team, or sub-team may need to take their motion up to a higher-level authority (such as a board, officers, management/leadership, treasurer, assigning committee/team, etc.) for approval in order to finance an idea or corporately carry-out an initiative.  To make the approval process easier for that authority, instead of making a vocal motion or presentations during a meeting they will instead provide a written resolution.  A resolution is merely a main motion submitted in writing and it is used when requesting a formal decision from a higher body.  Although it is in writing, they may present the resolution by reading it aloud and then handing the authority’s secretary a copy of the written resolution.  Or they may do a formal presentation and then have 1 or 2 slides at the end that cover the written resolution, in this case they provide the secretary a copy of the presentation to attach to the approving authority’s minutes.

A resolution contains two parts:
1. Preamble (which are the reasons for the resolution and/or potential benefits to the organization)
·         Start each paragraph with “Whereas" capitalized
·         Close each paragraph with a semicolon (;) or comma(,) followed by "and"
·         Avoid the use of (.)  periods
·         Close the last paragraph with "therefore" or "therefore, be it"
2.  Resolution (written in motion form so the approving authority can just amend it as desired and then copy into their minutes).
·         Begin with italicized and capitalized words, "Resolved, That"
·         Then word the rest of the resolution in the format of desired decision

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