Millennials in the Workforce: Learn To Use It or Expect To Lose It

A Message to Millennials book
A Message to Millennials (on Amazon #ad) is a book that merges Charlie Jones’ 7 Tremendous Laws of Leadership  advice with lessons on followership learned and shared by author Tracey C. Jones.  Tracey calls each of the seven lessons of success targeted at millennials a different function of followership.  Below are examples from the 2nd law of leadership and the 2nd function of followership: USE OR LOSE.

Charlie asks “Are you multiplying what you already have?”  If you are using the skills, talents, and opportunities that are present, you cannot help but gain more.  If instead you are letting things slide or blaming others for your failures, you stay the same or slide backwards.  There is no gain if you do not put in the work with a good attitude. 

Tracey asks “Do you seize the day or do you seize the excuse?” Seek opportunities to be part of something greater than yourself.  Value what you have and share your resources with others and in the organization. Remember not everything is in your control, but you can be diligent in how you handle things and the attitude you choose. 

An excellent word puzzle shared in this part of the book is 
How many words do you see in the puzzle? Why do you think you found those words?

The above is small sample of how this book makes you stop and think about doing their job. A Message to Millennials includes a hyperlink to a 10-page followership questionnaire and an interesting set of ABC’s for millennials in its conclusion.

Leadership and followership are two sides of the same coin.” - Tracey C. Jones 

For other views on millennials or this book, check out these posts: 

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