Team Tension: the Why of Causes and How of Management

Is your team experiencing tension or conflict?  It could be occurring because each member has their own work style and personality traits.  We have discussed personality at work before in relation to the various tools for DiSC styles.  The 16 minute video below presents the same concept using IOPT Style.  It is interesting as a quick introduction to why tension exists at work and how different work styles can result in misinterpretation (input processing) leading to unnecessary conflict or resistance (output processing). 

The idea is similar to SDI profile for technical professionals or MBTI types of HRDQ styles for all workers.  Some of the concepts presented in video are a little technical but the psychology is well researched and documented, so keep watching and you will have a better understanding of why knowing the different types can improve team member communication.   

NOTE:  For a clever idea on measuring team or project milestones, check out Organize This with Style blog post with links to multiple poems including Using Poems to Mark Project Milestones.


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