Leadership Development – Report Confirms Top Three Needs

I reviewed the 2014
Trends in Executive Development survey by Executive Development Associates and various summaries of it and passed reports.  This report is conducted every 2 years, so the one in the link above is the latest version at the time of this post.  I thought I would share their results that may show the top 3 needs in developing leaders. I have also included links to posts and articles that may help define what some of these mean if you are not already familiar with the terms. 

#1 A leader needs the ability to create and communicate VISION (formerly #2 under Leadership).  A quote from the report says:
Vision without strategy will not get far.
And neither will move forward without engagement.
So we need to include:
  • Strategy Execution (formerly separate as #3)
  • Engaging Others (formerly part of #2)
Where can you get help with all three components of #1?  Check out The Work of Leaders in Vision, Alignment, and Execution.

#2 A leader needs CRITICAL THINKING (formerly #1 and also ties very much ties to all parts of new #1)
#3 A leader need to increase COLLABORATION (formerly one of the components of #5) 

Short URL for this post = tinyurl.com/2bnssp8t See also post on Report Indicates Top 4 Needs.

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