Easy Time Management Techniques

When I speak or train on time management topics using TAPP, I typically ask the audience to share some of their tips as well. I feel people often learn the best techniques from listening to each other. Many of the tips given at these presentations are variations on something I may have already shared from TAPP on Tasks, Appointments, Priorities, or working with People. Others are job or tool specific alternatives that an audience member feels works very well in their particular industry or organization. I have captured the “WHY” people find the five most often mentioned techniques helpful in the article The Top 5 Best Time Management Practices.

If you find something new you would like to try or want some new ideas for methods you already use, you can check out my book TAPP Steps in Time Management and/or read more of my on-line articles from my website. Below are 2 links each to potentially helpful information on how to begin implementing each of the 5 techniques into your personal time management system.

1. Create a daily “To Do” list.

2. Write down appointments.
 - Time Mgmt Ninja: Why You Need an Appointment for Tough Tasks
- Video: Time Management is Not Being Late

3. Determine work priorities.

4. Set alarms.
 - Article: The Never Late Call - Set Alarms for Appointments
 - Instruction: How to Set an Alarm on Your iPhone

5. Break-up large projects.
 - Article: 3 Excuses for Procrastination and How to Overcome Them
 - Article: Procrastination - 13 Techniques to End it

You may also want to check out the Gomestic post The 5 Rules of Time Management of Self-made Millionaires which restates 3 of the 5 practices and provides 2 different tips. Please share any other time management ideas you find personally helpful with our readers by adding a comment to this post.

POST SHORT URL = https://tinyurl.com/bdem8mym 

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