Developing Hyper-Human Skills for the New Economy – Part II

So, there you are, eager and ready to tackle this thing called the 'new economy' and suddenly you realize it's like air.  You can live in it and talk about it but you can't bottle it nor put it in a box. You can't really breathe it, but you can feel its effects on almost every aspect of your life.  It's almost like a scene in a science fiction movie where you recognize it's taking you over and you can't escape.  Creepy, isn't it?

In our previous post we set the stage for living in this new economy with a comparison to the pioneers who crossed our rugged country without the knowledge or skill sets needed to survive.  Some learned fast and survived; others didn't and paid the full price losing all.  Today in our 'new economy' we will either learn fast and adapt or face the same type of potential loss.

Here's some interesting insights fresh from the news.  A recent economic study commissioned by Cognisco shows that a lack of investment in employees is threatening the ability of many leading industrialized countries to maintain global competitiveness in the post-recession economy. The study, entitled "Knowledge – The New Commodity," highlights that developed countries such as the US and UK are likely to face the biggest challenge due to a decrease in spending on knowledge development in response to the recession.

With that scenario repeated week by week and month after month what do you, the American worker, do?  Where do you go and what do you do to put yourself into a place and around the right people to guarantee your job, more importantly your financial security and freedom, for the future?  You do like the early pioneers did; you learn greater self-sufficiency and the right 'new economy' skill sets we call Hyper-Human skills.  One of those skills is imagination.

During the first Great Depression and in subsequent lesser ones over the last 80-90 years there have been numerous businesses birthed first and foremost in the imaginations of their founders.  Two of the most notable and most profitable were started by dreamers who were also doers and risk takers; Walt Disney and Bill Gates.  Their imaginations and persistence powered their phenomenal success.  We feel that profoundly and repeatedly by what they accomplished. 

Contrary to what you may have thought or heard, imagination like creativity can be expanded, refined and monetized no matter what your age or background.  Most of us are told to squelch or box up our imaginations starting in the early years of school.  But they are not dead, just waiting to be turned on and focused into profit centers for your work world.  Are you ready to awaken yours?

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